Remove the Fences in Your Neighborhood

No fences? Huh. It was my first thought as I scanned our new neighborhood. From our home at the bottom of the cul-de-sac to the top of the hill, most of the houses sat next to each other without borders, their lush backyards blending into one long green alley. My husband and I had just movedContinue reading “Remove the Fences in Your Neighborhood”

Why Waiting Is Good for You

On the floor in front of me, a fraying carpet strand held my gaze. “Don’t look up,” I whispered through gritted teeth. Pushing against the cold metal chair, I leaned forward and buried my nose in an outdated People magazine. The lower I hunched, the less pain I absorbed from this torture chamber known as the waitingContinue reading “Why Waiting Is Good for You”

What Would Jesus Post?

I wore it with the confidence of a No Fear brand ambassador. I believed my neon yellow WWJD bracelet flashed the message I’M A CHRISTIAN, setting me apart from the world and in with the Jesus freaks. Like other Christian movements of the 1990s, the “What Would Jesus Do?” phenomenon spawned a generation of youthContinue reading “What Would Jesus Post?”

The Key to a Mom’s True Happiness

Before I became a mom, I pictured happiness as a gallery of chubby smiles, goofy faces, and sleeping babes nestled in their mama’s arms. That vision crystalized into a deep, unmet longing when I couldn’t get pregnant for months, then years. As I scrolled through my friends’ photos on social media, the whispers of futureContinue reading “The Key to a Mom’s True Happiness”

How Long, O Lord, Shall We Be Quarantined?

“Captain’s Log. Day: Who Knows?” Since governors across the United States began issuing stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of COVID-19, jokes about days blurring together helped us laugh and cope with cabin fever. Yet as weeks passed into months, and some states extended shelter-in-place restrictions indefinitely, the running gag lost its appeal. We missContinue reading “How Long, O Lord, Shall We Be Quarantined?”