
Waiting Take a Village Too

The announcement usually comes during prayer time. A young husband and wife exchange a knowing glance and then share the news: they’re pregnant! After bursting with congratulations, their small group leaps into planning a baby shower, organizing a meal train, and praying for the little one on the way. Most churches know how to support…

The Worth in Our Waiting

In all my countless trips to the grocery store, I’ve never chosen the checkout lane with the longer line. I’m sure you do the same on your Target runs. When you’re dashing from errand to errand, the last thing you want is to get stuck in the aisle with the shopping cart jam. Most of…

Seeking God More Than Answers

Words swam before my eyes in a blur of medical jargon. My husband, Colin, and I were skimming paperwork in the fertility clinic waiting room. We had already been through several years of tests and treatments –– all of which failed. Now our doctor was recommending we try in vitro fertilization (IVF). Everything within me…


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