Remove the Fences in Your Neighborhood

No fences? Huh. It was my first thought as I scanned our new neighborhood. From our home at the bottom of the cul-de-sac to the top of the hill, most of the houses sat next to each other without borders, their lush backyards blending into one long green alley.

My husband and I had just moved to a small town in Missouri, where we knew no one except one of his colleagues. As transplants from Arizona, we experienced major culture shock transitioning from the reclusive lifestyle of desert suburbia to the porch-squatting, casserole-swapping Midwest.

While my husband immediately took to the friendly atmosphere and began reaching out to get to know our neighbors, I shuttered myself inside. Because we were going through infertility, I wanted to avoid people and circumstances that could cause pain.

 As I peered out our sliding glass door, seeing our neighbors fire up their grills and play catch with their kids, I sunk into loneliness. All I had to do was step outside and shout a hello. Instead, I drew the shades, slumped down on the couch, and questioned God: “Why did you put us here?”

Read full article at Gospel-Centered Discipleship.

Note: This is a review of Placed for a Purpose: A Simple and Sustainable Vision for Loving Your Next-Door Neighbors, written by my friends Chris and Elizabeth McKinney. Pick up a copy here!

Image courtesy Qusai Akoud on Unsplash.

Published by jennhesse

Coauthor, Waiting in Hope: 31 Reflections for Walking with God Through Infertility. Content director at Waiting in Hope Ministries. Wife and boy mom x3.

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