God Remembers the Barren, and So Should the Church

woman church alone infertility support

I walked in the door to a foyer teeming with children. My husband and I entered the sanctuary and sat down in the back, where I began counting the number of pregnant women in the pews around us.

We had just moved to a new town and were trying out a church. My husband had to drag me there, because I didn’t want to go. I thought it would be painful to be surrounded by what I wanted desperately, but God had not yet given.

My assumptions proved correct. As I flipped through the bulletin, I saw listed several ministries the church offered various adults: singles, newly marrieds, families with kids, empty nesters. Nothing for childless, not-wedded-yesterday couples.

I was already feeling rejected by God. Now, I felt left out of His church.

The truth of His promise

Though I was impatient with His timing, God was patient with me during my years of infertility. Even before He brought us our two sons, He granted abundant grace and revealed more of His character to me in a personal way.

During and after this season, God grew my compassion for others facing these trials and my desire to search His Word for true comfort, discovering how God interacted with women in the Bible who struggled to bear children.

One of the most prominent examples is Hannah, who is so distraught over her childlessness that she pours out her soul to the Lord in the temple and is mistaken by the priest as a drunk. She leaves with “her face no longer downcast,” and once she returns home, God answers her cry.

“And Elkanah knew Hannah his wife, and the LORD remembered her.” (1 Samuel 1:19)

The word “remembered,” when used with God as the subject doing the “remembering,” appears elsewhere in Scripture when He delivers His people: Noah from the flood (Genesis 8:1), Abraham and Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:29), the Israelites from Egypt (Exodus 2:24), and the Israelites from the desert (Psalm 105:42).

In all these examples, God doesn’t forget His people as if they slipped His mind. That would be impossible – it would go against His omniscient character.

Instead, God “remembers” His children by bringing His promises to pass.

He saved Noah, like He said He would. He saved Abraham and the people of Israel, like He said He would.

He enabled women like Hannah to miraculously conceive because He made a covenant (promise) to provide a lineage that would eventually produce a miraculously conceived Savior.

The Bible doesn’t guarantee that every couple will bear children. But it does confirm a powerful promise that God is committed to redeem the sorrows in our lives through the death and resurrection of His Son.

Left out of the club

Even with this biblical comfort, couples that struggle with infertility can feel forgotten and isolated – especially in environments like church that emphasize families and childrearing.

As the leader of an infertility support ministry, I’ve heard from women describing upsetting circumstances when someone at church made a comment implying that their infertility was caused by sin. This assumption adds to the shame those dealing with infertility already face, making them feel excluded from fellowship in the body of Christ.

One woman in an online support group describes her loneliness:

“I find church the hardest place to be at the moment. The lack of understanding has floored me. I can’t bear more hurt by other believers.”

In my experience, it seems most insensitive comments about infertility stem from ignorance about the subject. It’s hard to understand what you haven’t personally suffered.

As with other rarely discussed health issues, many people aren’t aware of the ramifications of infertility.

They don’t know that it’s a disease affecting one in eight couples. They haven’t felt the embarrassment of being the only couple in church without kids to send to Sunday school. They aren’t experiencing the month-to-month roller coaster of emotional and sometimes physical pain, only to be told by someone in Bible study the well-meaning but hurtful advice: “You just need to trust God and relax.”

Instead of perpetuating unwitting insensitivity, the church can seek better understanding about infertility to build one another up in unity of faith.

Bearing one another’s burdens

Armed with greater knowledge and empathy, those of us who lead or even just attend church can, by God’s grace, help carry the burdens of those who are suffering this type of disappointment. Working together, we can create an environment of compassion, rather than exclusion from the baby club.


We know from Scripture that children are a blessing (Psalm 127:3-5), and are familiar with the command to “be fruitful and multiply,” though some miss the Old Covenant context within which God delivered this mandate and construe it as an assurance of reproductive ability. But how many churches have spent time expounding upon the many accounts of delayed fertility recorded in the Bible?

In miraculous displays backing up His declaration in Genesis 18:14, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”, God enables seven women whom the Bible describes as “barren” to conceive for His divine purposes: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Samson’s mother, Hannah, the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings, and Elizabeth.

If you’re a pastor or other ministry leader, you can preach sermons and offer Bible studies examining these stories, not as a prescription for fertility success, but rather to demonstrate God’s attentiveness to His children who are longing for a blessing, corresponding to the gospel truth of our longing for a Savior.


Mother’s Day is difficult to endure for women experiencing infertility and miscarriage. Having to stay seated while most every other woman in the congregation stands for applause or receives a rose shoots like a dagger to the heart of a woman who desires but hasn’t yet been given children.

While it’s appropriate for pastors and churches to honor moms on that Sunday, you can also acknowledge the sorrow this day stirs for those who’ve lost a baby or haven’t been able to conceive. Rather than making an ostentatious display showing the haves and have-nots, make it a point from the pulpit to commend all women who do important work “mothering” others in practical and spiritual ways and affirm the value of every believing woman as a daughter of Christ.

Apart from Mother’s Day, consider planning an annual service honoring the losses associated with miscarriage and infertility, such as the Service of Memorial and Lament priest and author Tish Warren offered at her church this January. Similarly, just as churches hold infant dedications or baptism services, provide prayer times for couples waiting for children, petitioning the Lord for healing, peace, and wisdom on behalf of those undergoing medical tests and treatments or who are pursuing adoption.

Focus adjustment

Churches have traditionally emphasized marriage and motherhood as worthy aspirations, and for good reasons. Yet somewhere along the way, the role of mother got propped up as the ultimate calling for all women, to the point that some women’s ministries are structured solely around mom life activities and events.

Though well-intended, this emphasis can become so overblown that it devalues women who don’t have the label of “mother,” and dismisses the vital role all women play in the church.

To better serve and utilize the giftings of women, those who are in church leadership can broaden its focus on the Kingdom callings of women to include motherhood AND other areas of service, such as administration, outreach, teaching, organization, communication, and many other facets that are all needed to keep a church alive and thriving as one body growing up in Christ (Ephesians 4:15-16).


Infertility is a life crisis that entails a grieving process. To help people in the congregation as well as reach out to your community, you can host and/or help individuals start support groups, providing safe places for people to share their struggles and comfort one another with the comfort God supplies (2 Corinthians 1:4). If you offer a resource library, keep on hand books specifically written for those facing infertility, infant loss, and childlessness. Thanks to increasing awareness, we have more faith-based resources addressing these issues at our disposal today than we did 10 years ago, and we need more still.

God “remembers” couples experiencing infertility by keeping His promise to work for the good of all His children. Everyone in the church, from pastor to parishioner, can love those who are suffering in our midst by encouraging those who are aching for a child and pointing to Christ as our ultimate hope for a fulfilling life.

[Featured image: Ben White on Unsplash]

Published by jennhesse

Coauthor, Waiting in Hope: 31 Reflections for Walking with God Through Infertility. Content director at Waiting in Hope Ministries. Wife and boy mom x3.

19 thoughts on “God Remembers the Barren, and So Should the Church

  1. My husband and I suffered through infertility back in the early 1980’s. We spent thousands upon thousands of dollars for fertility treatments and surgical procedures to no avail. For many years, I drove 25 miles each morning before going to work as a high school teacher to have blood drawn and then drove 25 miles back after work to get my Pergonal injections. We suffered 3 miscarriages and more negative pregnancy tests than I can count. We endured this nightmare for 7 long years. During that time church was often a difficult place for the reasons you mention in your article. The most hurtful for me was Mother’s Day at church. The minister made a big deal out of recognizing all the mothers and the ushers handed out flowers to all the moms. Nothing was ever said about those who may be trying so hard to become parents without success. One of my miscarriages was just a couple weeks before Mother’s Day. It was so painful to sit there during the mothers recognition. The pain never goes away.
    Our story does have a happy ending. My husband and I were fortunate to be able to adopt our beautiful daughter after many years of waiting. She turned 30 this month. She has also given us 3 wonderful grandsons that we cherish with all our hearts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tara, thank you so much for sharing your story and opening up about painful past events. These are moments we don’t easily forget, and many people have no clue about about what a nightmare it truly is. Thank God for your daughter and grandsons, and praise Him that the sorrows of this world will be erased in heaven!


  2. Thank you for writing this! You touched on so many key elements. I actually wrote a post on my blog a couple weeks ago about my experience at church after our second miscarriage. Peaksandwater.wordpress.com

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    1. Holly, I read your blog … I’m so sorry for your losses and all the heartache you’ve endured so far. I appreciate your honesty in your writing as you’re processing your emotions, while also explaining your desire to follow Christ and trust in Him. I want to reach out and give you a hug, but instead, I’ll say a prayer and ask for God to reassure you of His love and peace that will get you through this. And give yourself grace making decisions like whether or not to attend church on days that are especially hard. God knows your heart. ❤

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  3. This is something in the church and in our lives that needs to be changed. I know that I have unintentionally been guilty of this. I get caught up in the joys and woes of parenting and connecting with those going through the same thing. I could and should be connecting with people who don’t have kids as well. Thanks for being attention to this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your honesty, Stacy! I think the word “unintentional” is key. Almost every comment/incident that hurt me was either circumstantial or stemming from lack of understanding. Hoping that education will help others realize the ways they can support and love those facing infertility.


  4. Powerful piece! I pray churches would share Christ’s compassion for all who suffer in ways that are meaningful and loving! Blessings to you as you spread this word and encouragment to other women!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Jenn – Thank you for bringing this out into the open. Although I have never dealt with infertility, I found strands of similarity in having children with mental illness. I too have felt left out of the club as friends have celebrated weddings, graduations, and milestones my own may never reach. Over time I have learned to embrace both the pain and the joy of those moments.

    One would think since I have sat at Mothers Day service with a child missing and my heart bleeding. I would see those who are hurting too. I sometimes do, but I have to admit I can let life go fast and fail to recognize others pain when I have never experienced it. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

    Interesting I find a similarity with mental illness and infertility; both can be invisible to others. I think back to people like my aunts who never had any children. I always assumed it was by choice, but I was wrong. I never thought to ask until recently. She will be one I call on Mothers Day.

    I co-host a link up on Friday’s Grace and Truth Christian Link-Up. I am featuring Rachel’s post where she links to yours. I hope our readers click over to your too. I will also be sharing on FB.

    Please know I am sending prayers for those who face infertility. Thank you for making us all more aware.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, thanks so much for commenting, Maree Dee! I think you’re right about the similarities between infertility and mental illness, in terms of how they can be “hidden” struggles, and perhaps stigmatized in the church. I’ve been reading more and more posts/articles drawing attention to these areas, and how we can bring greater understanding and better support to people who are hurting and often feel alone in church. Thank you so much for your contributions adding to these conversations. God bless!


  6. Thank you for writing this.Sunday was my second mothers day to pass while trying to get pregnant. It was a day of many different emotions. I appreciated what you had to say, and am encouraged to hear that there are ministries in churches being open about this. I am 24 and a lot of my friends in their 20’s and 30’s are having a difficult time conceiving. It is becoming an increasing issue and I think we as the church need to begin talking about it. Thanks for your post! I look forward to reading more in the future!

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    1. Sarah, I’m so glad this encouraged you! I completely understand the experience of mixed emotions on Mother’s Day. And though I’m on the “other side” of infertility, that day remains a little bittersweet, remembering the past and thinking of my sisters who are still waiting for their children. Pray that God would hold you close as you continue this hard journey.

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  7. Jenn,
    This was fantastic. As a pastor, I’m still learning to be sensitive to people in all walks of life and difficulties. This article was very helpful in hopefully being helpful, encouraging, tactful, and spiritually uplifting to those who are struggling with infertility. Glad I was able to come across this article. Men never will understand this hurt and pain fully, but this gave me great insight to minister more effectively in the future. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jeff, thanks for taking the time to read this article! I can’t imagine the difficulties of trying to shepherd church members struggling through various trials. My prayer for this piece was to provide church leaders a framework for encouraging women and men facing infertility – often the heart is there, but insight is lacking. I praise God for how He used this to increase your understanding! And thank you for your desire to learn and minister to those who are hurting.


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